SEPTEMBER 9 — 1961 Happy birthday time traveler Andrew Bassagio; 1890 Happy Birthday Col. Sanders; 1850 California joins the Union


1961 — Happy birthday time-traveler Andrew Basagio!

From Morristown New Jersey, Basagio has not only seen former President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in person, he also met with former President Obama’s facial caricature on Mars.  He ran for president in the 2016 election and will run again in the 2020 election, though I don’t understand why he doesn’t know who his opponents will be, since he’s been in the future as well.

An attorney for a living, Basagio also ran Project Pegasus which is a group that tries to lobby the CIA to fork over their knowledge about teleportation, time travel and cloaking devices that were supposedly used against Nazi Germany in World War II. He calls himself an indigo child who discovered life on Mars and he has the proof that he’ll show once he becomes president of the United States.

My friends call me Moon Unit

He asked National Geographic to publish proof of the animals that he communicated with on Mars, but Mateo declined, since the blurry picture looked like it was a Mars rover. He describes time travelling back one million years in the past Lincoln’s Gettysburg address and in the future to the year 2045, but doesn’t really go into details about 2045 or 1 Million BCE.

He mentions on his interviews the problem with travelling back to the past is not having a device to get you back home, yet he got home from one million years ago somehow. Maybe he had the special DeLorean that Marty McFly used, I don’t know. During the 1980s he and his buddy William Stillings, along with Barack Obama, , back then known as Barry Sotero, 19 years old at the time, which is probably the only true thing about this whole story, as chrononauts for DARPA  went to teleported to Mars together.

If you don’t know what DARPA is, it was the big U.S. defense system that, among other things, came up with DARPANET, the predecessor to the Internet. And yes, he’s running for president in 2020. Part of his platform will be to get Microsoft to come up with a more user-friendly of MS Word.

Finally, Obama simply said to  Basagio, Look man, I already have to deal with Biden. Put down the sniffing glue. I paraphrase, of course. Happy birthday, Indigo Child!

1850 – California quickly becomes 31st state.
If only Mexico was forced under duress to sign California and other areas to the United States in the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty was signed in 1848, and one year the greatest gold rush the world had ever seen exploded in California. One of the criteria for a territory to become a state in the United States was that it needed a population of at least 60,000.

In 1949, 60,000 flocked from all over the world to California, Faced with rapid growth due to the Gold Rush, California got a boost when the United States Congress allowed it to jump straight to full statehood without going through the formal territory process most other states went through. Congress accepted California as a free-labor state under the Compromise of 1850 on September 9, 1850 Onto the trivia. brought to us by!

In Arcadia, peacocks have the right of way to cross any street or driveway. In Carmel you cannot stand on a sidewalk to eat ice cream. About 8% of Californians are vegetarian. I think they all live in L.A. In Indian Wells, you cannot drink intoxicating cement. The Golden Gate Bridge has claimed over 1200 suicides as people plunged 220 feet to their deaths. In Cathedral City you’re not allowed to sleep in a parked car. Every plant in Tomorrowland at Disneyland is edible. Guests are welcome to help themselves to bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, and more. Also in L..A., it is unlawful to bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.

1890 – Happy Birthday Harlan Sanders! He was a 6th grade dropout from some farmland who would become farmhand, army mule-tender, a locomotive fireman, railway worker, lawyer, insurance salesman, tire salesman, gas station operator, and several other jobs before he started just selling good old Kentucky Friend Chicken.

My personal favorite part of his career was when he retired, sold the company and corporate changed the gravy. Sanders used to love his gravy so much he stated it’ll make you throw away the durn chicken and just eat the gravy. Corporate simplified it to save time and money. When Sanders tried it, he called it God damn slop. He called it sludge and wallpaper paste. The parent company who owned Kentucky Fried Chicken, tried suing Col. Sanders over those comments and was unsuccessful. Sanders turned around and countersued for misusing his public image. Col. Sanders passed away December 16, 1980. By then KFC had around 6,000 and earned over $2B in sales. Turns out the secret recipe isn’t that subtle, it’s called MSG and it’s really bad for you which is why it’s so yummy.

1987 – Nolan Ryan strikes out his 4500th batter. 1990 – Oakland beat NY 7-3 to complete a 12-game sweep of Yankees for the year.2002 – Pitcher Randy Johnson reaches 300 strikeouts for the fifth consecutive season, extending his major league record.

1966 – Happy birthday Adam Sandler, billy Madison, happy Gilmore, Saturday night live, etc. etc.


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