OCTOBER 10 — 1985 Achille Lauro hijack ends; 1899 IR Johnson invents bicycle frame; 1951 Truman signs Mutual Security Act; 2016 Tampa Bay Buccaneer Jamies Winston becomes youngest NFL quarterback to throw 4,000 yards by3rd season; 1975 The Rose premieres

1985—Achille Lauro

…Hijacking ends. So the interesting question is why did four young Palestinian terrorism, in a plan orchestrated by Mohammed Abbas, hijack and Italian cruiser and shoot an old Jewish-American man in a wheelchair, tipping him overboard, wheelchair and all? That is the question indeed. History.com says it’s because they demanded the release of 50 Palestinian militants imprisoned in Israel. Robert Fisk on independent.co.ik suggests it was because it’s easier to attack Israel by sea that it would be from Lebanon, Syria or Jordan.

Daniel Quinn on electrlonicintifada.net says it was a revenge attack for an Israeli attack in Tunisia a week earlier. ANYWAY. Insert excuse here. Even Yasir Arafat condemned the hijacking. The ship would dock in Port Said and the hijackers surrendered to Egyptian authorities and freed the hostages. In return the hostages would be able to go free, and took off on an Egypt Air Boeing 737 headed for Tunisia. Not so fast. President Ronal Reagan sent an order to intercept the plane, and US navy F-14 Tomcat fighters ordered the plane to get back on the ground. The pilot complied, and the hijackers were arrested and would later be tried and convicted by an Italian court.

1899 – IR Johnson invents the bicycle frame.

…He’s famous for being a black man who invented something before the civil rights. On this show where there is no color, he’s simply a great American inventor. I don’t care what nationality or color he is. 1865 – John Wesley Hyatt simplifies the production of celluloid, the first industrial plastic. But that’s the boring part. He invented the billiard ball, in case you wanted to go shoot some stick.

1951 – Truman signs the Mutual Security Act.

…This measure, which was modeled upon the Marshall Plan, authorized about $7billion for foreign military, economic, and technical aid to American allies. This sent a message to Moscow, and the rest of the world for that matter, that America would provide the resources to contain communism by any means necessary. The Republicans felt it was a bit expensive, but understood that nations who will fight on our side is sound economy, according to John Vorys of Ohio. James Richards of South Carolina, who was chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, made a point that the Mutual Security Act was intended not to fight a war, but to prevent a war. President Dwight Eisenhower would abolish the Mutual Security Act in 1953.

1971 – Baltimore Colts
beats Buffalo 43-0. What else is on.
1968 – The Tigers win their first World series since 1945, thanks to Mickey Lolitch.
1923 – The NY Giants and NY Yankees become the first to play each other in 3 consecutive World Series.

2016 – Jameis Winston becomes the 1st NFL Quarterback to start his second season passing for 4,000 yrds. All this before his 23rd birthday January 6th. Jameis only needed 112 going into the Monday Night Football game against the Carolina Panthers. The Buccs would win the game on a last second nail biting field goal, and Winston would go in the history books.

1979 – The Rose premieres in LA featuring Bette Midler. It was a movie about a self-destructive rock star from the 1960s, loosely based on Janis Joplin. The movie was nominated for four Academy Awards including Best Actor in a Supporting role for Frederic Forrest, Best Actress in a Leading Role for Midler, which was her screen debut, Best Film Editing and Best Sound.


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