SEPTEMBER 20 — 2012 Mullet convicted for cutting off Amish beards; 1889 George Simpson invents electric cooking range; 1863 Batle of Chickamauga; 1926 Atmpted hit on Al Capone by Bugsy Morane; 1933 Pittsburgh Steelers (Pirates) play first game; 2010 School principle for Lynyrd Skynyrd dies

2012 – Mullet and his family are convicted

…and get 15 years. There have been lots of religions that splinter into sections and fight their angry wars. The Sunnis and Shiites, the Presbyterians and Catholics, all very brutal and hard to watch. Finally we get one that’s just hysterical. I’m not trying to pick on the Amish, but if you’re Amish, you shouldn’t be listening to me right now, or any other form of media, for that matter.

The Amish believe that once you get married you stop shaving, and for a man a beard and long hair has a very important religious meaning. So when Amish communities, men were losing their bears left and right. Can I just say that ZZ Top steered way clear of this guy. They attacked people who didn’t accept Mullet’s authoritarian rule. Mullet says he was just trying to help, when in fact, was accused of running a cult. This can only happen in America. Look, rip off a priest’s collar and see how far you can run with it before getting zapped by lightning. I tried it the other day and didn’t get far at all.

Just to put this in prospective, folks, the average sentence for rape is 11.5 years. And beards grow back. Just sayin’.

1889 – George Simpson invents the electric range. Cooking has never been easier.

1863 – Battle of Chickamauga ends
…Union Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans and the Army of Cumberland V Confederate Army ofTennessee commanded by Gen. Braxton Bragg. The result: Confederate Victory. Earlier that month, Rosecrans drove the Confederates out of Chattanooga. About 12 miles south in Georgia, Rosecrans met up with Bragg, who was now reinforced by James Longstreet. Bragg went on the offensive, and on the 18th, began fighting the Union army, who was using state of the art Spencer repeating rifles. George Thomas led the union corps, and on the 18th were able to hold off Bragg’s attacks. The second day found fighting in the forests near Lafayette Road. Rosecrans once again held off the Confederate attacks throughout the day.

On the 20th of September, Longstreet was able to reinforce Bragg’s men, and Longstreet exploited a gap in the Union line, leading to a chaotic Federal retreat. But Thomas stayed and continued to fight the Rebels, holding Horseshoe Ridge under repeated Confederate attacks. This is how George Thomas got the nickname The Rock of Chickamauga. Rosecrans and his men were able to retreat back to Chattanooga, and Bragg’s neglected to use that opportunity to pursue Rosecrans. As a result, thought Confederates won this battle, Ulysses Grant would reinforce Rosecrans and take the region later on. The Battle of Chickamauga was the second bloodies battle of the entire war. The Battle of Gettysburg claimed 51,000 casualties, while Chickamauga claimed 34,000.

1926 – Bugs Moran attempts to assassinate Al Capone in a drive-by shooting but fails. At least nobody lost a beard.

1933 – Pittsburgh Steelers, then the Pirates played their first game and lost 32.2

2010 – Florida school teacher Leonard Skinner dies at a nursing home at age 77. When he was much much younger he had some bratty kids in his class named Ronnie van Zant, Allen Collins, and Gary Rossington. Skinner was constantly hassling them for having long hair. Those kids would form a band mocking him called Lynyrd Skynyrd. Somehow Skinner and Skynyrd eventually became friends, and Mr. Skinner introduced the band at a concert at Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum.


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