SEPTEMBER 7 — 1813 America nicknamed Uncle Sam; 2012 World’s smallest street-legal car wins biggest prize inArizona; 2015 Jim Arrington becomes world’s oldest bodybuilder; 1776 World’s first submarine attack

1813 – America is nicknamed Uncle Sam.
…The roots of Uncle Sam date back to the War of 1912 as America renewed a sense of identity it started to lose after the Revolution. Samuel Wilson, known locally as Uncle Sam in his hometown of Troy New York, owned a meat packing firm that won the contract to feed the troops during the War of 1812. On the meat barrels, the letters U.S. were stamped on their, and since everyone knew who was feeding them, the associated those letters with Uncle Sam.

The image of Uncle Sam changed dramatically over the years, much like America itself. In the late 1860s and early 70s, political cartoonist Thomas Nast drew a liking that didn’t resemble the original Samuel Wilson at all. Nast gave Uncle Sam the white beard and stars and stripes suit he’s wearing. He also by the way created the modern image of Santa Claus as well as the symbol for the Democratic Party and Republican Party, a donkey and elephant respectively. The version we’re all familiar with today came out in 1917, the one where Uncle Sam is pointing at us saying I Want you for the US Army. That was drawn by James Montgomery Flagg, an appropriate last name.

In 1961, Congress recognized Samuel Wilson as the progenitor of America’s national symbol of Uncle Sam. The town of Troy is named The Home of Uncle Sam.

2012 – The world’s smallest car wins the big prize after becoming street legal. 

There’s no one in Arizona that would ever doubt Austin Coulson’s ability to build a great car from scratch. Getting it licensed and registered however is tricky. Especially when the car is 2 feet 1 inch tall, a little over 2 feet wide, and four feet long. In other words, the GMC ¾ ton pickup truck I had? It came up to the tire. This car’s a convertible, so if you haven’t seen this on YouTube, imagine stepping into a child’s toy car with your butt sticking out. Or sitting on a very very tiny lawnmower with a ’57 Chevy Bel-0Air body mockup.

Since the vehicle tops out a 33 mph, it’s only street legal in areas up to 25MPH speed limits, such as golf courses and residential communities. Good thing too, because this car has no suspension, so at 33 mph, Austin says, it feels like you’re going 100.  Yeah, when you’re driving a car so small only the bottom half of your legs fit inside, and that ground being so close, I imagine it would be a bit scary. Austin’s love for cars, like many young boys, began as a child when he would rig bicycles with different parts. Then when he was 16 he bought a Bronco with a blown transmission, looked up the repair manual, got it working again, and hasn’t looked back. Taking on this project would be one of a kind.

Making this street legal required a lot of things: a special safety windshield glass, functioning windshield wipers, even though the top of the windshield comes up to his chest, Dept. of Transportation approved headlights, turn signals, seatbelt, and a horn. This little guy probably gets 45 miles to the gallon, but since Austin can only squeeze in a half gallon of gas, all he can do is estimate. It was on this day in 2012 when Austin’s car won the Guinness record for smallest roadworthy car.

1915 – Johnny Gruelle patents Raggedy Ann.

…He came up with the design after giving his daughter a faceless doll he found in the attic. Daughter Marcella loved it, so he patented the doll September 7, 1915. Marcella unfortunately died of diphtheria at age 13. FDR’s first Secretary of State, William Woodin came up with some of the Raggedy Ann songs in memory of Marcella. Raggedy Andy would appear later in 1920.

2015 – Jim Arrington becomes the world’s oldest bodybuilder.

After seeing Mr. Atlas on a cover of a body building mag in the 1940s, Jim was drawn towards physical fitness.  While his friends were reading comic books Jim was learning exercise routines. Decades later in Venice Beach CA if you see him on muscle beach, you better not kick sand in his face. He’s well into his mid-80s and he’ll kick yer butt. When he competed in Pittsburg in 2017 hundreds of fans cheered him on. He was like a rock star, according to Roxanne Edwards of Brooklyn.

1880 – Geo Ligowsk
y patents a device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters.

1996 – 2pac gets shot in Las Vegas.

…His last words, according to police sergeant who was there, were “Eff you”. Actor and hip hop artist 2pac and Death Row Records founder Suge Knight were leaving a boxing match between Mike Tyson and Bruce Seldon heavyweight fight when they got in a brawl with a member of the Crips named Orlando Anderson. Later that night a white Cadillac rolled up in front of Knight and 2pac on the corner of Flamingo Road and Koval Lane and started shooting.

Anderson is believed to have been the shooter, but that was never confirmed as he was shot dead in May 1998. According to Forbes magazine, 2pac’s estate is worth $15Mill. BET called him the most influential rapper of all time. In 2012, a hologram version of 2Pac showed up at a Snoop Dogg concert.

1776 – World’s first submarine attack.
…Sgt. American David Bushnell designed The Turtle while attending Yale, and Sgt. Ezra lee piloted it in the American Revolution September 7 and attempted to plant a bomb on the hull of Britain’s HMS Eagle in the New York harbor. He couldn’t attach it properly however, it fell off the boat and didn’t do any damage. The Turtle was made out of wood and completely hand operated.


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